David Mauro

Brooklyn based Programmer and Designer

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DrawQuest is a social drawing app with a very simple toolset and daily challenges making it easy for anyone to make a drawing everyday. I help maintain the app and was crucial to bringing the app to iPhone/iPod Touch and iOS 7.

DrawQuest screenshot



I designed and implemented all aspects of GetCreative to explore possible solutions for getting people into the creative habit. It is a Chrome extension and accompanying Node.js website that delivers daily challenges that can be completed in-browser. The extension leverages the power of the Chrome extension for app-like notifications while taking advantage of a Node.js for a fast dev and deploy cycle.

GetCreative screenshot



Keypress is a hobby project I've been actively working on for some time now. It allows for very complex keyboard bindings to be created. I started on this as I was working on a JavaScript based video game and realized I needed more complex bindings than other similar libraries afforded.

Keypress screenshot


See what else I've been up to: http://github.com/dmauro